
We have the privilege of living in a part of the country that is rich with agriculture.

Land, farms, and crops of all kinds abound in Northern California— and farming has its own set of challenges and rewards.

  • How can I reinvest in equipment and land to limit my tax exposure?

  • How can I handle the challenges that come with varying/seasonal income and market changes?

  • How can I be educated about and take advantage of tax credits and federal programs?

  • How do I prepare financial statements so my bank will consider financing expansion?

  • How do I plan for the years to come so my growth is manageable?

  • Why does my firm tell me I will owe one thing, and then I end up owing so much more?

  • Why am I always having to push to get things done in a timely manner?

If you are a growing farming operation your need for professional tax advice and planning are growing right along with you.

Perhaps you faced a situation recently where your tax liability was more than you imagined possible. You might be asking questions like:

If any of these questions sound familiar, it might be time to consider Tittle & Company.

We understand the challenges and opportunities that you face as an Ag Business, and we are committed to helping you to solve the immediate challenges and plan for the future.